Millwoods History

Mill Woods Living Heritage

Jane’s Walk, May 2015

Don Bouzek leads participants along Richfield Road. Credit: Jessica Wood.

Jane’s Walk, May 2015

Catherine C. Cole and Don Bouzek led a Jane’s Walk (in honour of urbanist Jane Jacobs) on Sunday, May 3, 2015 from 1:30-3:30. Participants met at Leefield Community Hall in Richfield and walked along 36 Ave, past Grace Martin Elementary School (the first school built in Mill Woods), down the pipeline corridor, to the Keegano Housing Co-op (the first housing co-op in Mill Woods), and back along Richfield Rd., past the Synergen Housing Co-op, and ended at the Markaz-ul-Islam mosque.

We stopped at Keegano to view the Mill Woods Living Heritage display and extracts from the oral histories and to enjoy refreshments. At the end of the tour participants were welcomed at the mosque and invited to learn more about the Muslim faith, the Muslim community in Mill Woods, and the mosque itself.

Thanks to the members of the Leefield Community LeagueKeegano Housing Co-op and the Markaz-Ul-Islam mosque for welcoming us on the walk.