Jannie Edwards has published three books of poetry: The Possibilities of Thirst; Blood Opera: The Raven Tango Poems, in collaboration with visual artist Paul Saturley and adapted for the stage; and Falling Blues, shortlisted for a 2010 Writers Guild of Alberta poetry prize. Her work is widely anthologized. The videopoem Engrams: Reach and Seize Memory features Edwards’ English poetry translated into American Sign Language and performed by Deaf translator and actor Linda Cundy. Edwards taught creative writing and literature for over 25 years at Grant MacEwan College, where she coordinated the literary reading series and several multi-disciplinary student-faculty exhibitions. She was the 2011-12 Edmonton-based Canadian Authors Association Writer in Residence. Jannie Edwards continues to be active in the Edmonton arts community, most recently as a member of an artistic and historical collaboration in her Mill Woods community of southeast Edmonton.